История питомника началась с приобретения замечательного котенка красно-белого окраса (биколора). Леон, так мы назвали нашего «первенца», оказался не только очаровательным внешне, но и совершенно добрейшим и дружелюбнейшим существом. Читать далее «История питомника «Ланион»»
You might think a hairless cat requires no grooming
You might think a hairless cat requires no grooming. Think again. Sphynx must be bathed regularly to remove excess oil from their skin. All cats produce these secrete natural oils, but Sphynx don’t have fur to absorb them. If you don’t remove them, they can cause skin problems. In fact, the frequency of bathing depends on the individual cat. You will find that males and lighter colored Sphynx need to be bathed more often to keep clean and usually darker colored Sphynx need less frequent bathing. I suggest a bath every 2 weeks as a starting point and you can alter the schedule to fit the needs of your particular Sphynx. You can use baby shampoo with pH value 5.5.
Because Sphynx have no ear hair, ear wax and dirt build up more quickly, so their ears must be cleaned regularly as well. Once a week is enough. They need to be cleaned carefully with an accurate ear cleaner moistened with water or a special lotion. However, washing them too often increases the risk of clogging the ear canal. Читать далее «You might think a hairless cat requires no grooming»
Appearance Canadian Sphynx
Canadian Sphynx is not just a hairless cat. Surely his appearance of hairlessness is the most distinctive feature of the breed by which it can be recognized at shows. But the nudity of a cat does not mean it is a Sphynx… it would be too easy… As any pedigreed cat, the sphynx must fulfill certain morphological criteria gathered in a standard. First of all, this is a cat with a well-muscled body, that must seem powerful, without being heavy however. Muscled, powerful, but not «thick», barrel-shaped and full rounded abdomen. The ears are large, broad at the base with rounded ends and are neither low-set (i.e. Devon Rex) or high-set (i.e. Cornish Rex). The eyes are lemon-shaped and the look is very expressive. The legs are sturdy and well muscled with rear legs being slightly longer than the front. The tail is long and whippy. Sphynx skin is thick and wrinkled, especially on the forehead, on the neck, around the shoulders and on the front legs. Читать далее «Appearance Canadian Sphynx»
Sphynx is one of the world’s oldest feline breeds
Sphynx is one of the world’s oldest feline breeds. Naked cats have a rich history, which stretches back to times of Egyptian pharaohs. As legend says, a white sphynx with blue eyes kept guard over sanctuaries of ancient Egypt. Naked cats have also been found in ancient Aztec tribes. Being practical by nature, Aztecs used these cats as live heaters.
Cats of the extinct ancient breed, Mexican Hairless, were shown at first cat shows in the USA at the beginning of the 20th century. The last couple of the breed had lived until the early 30s without leaving any kittens. Mexican Hairless resembled the modern Sphynx, but some essential differences have been noted: a longer body, wedge-shaped head with amber-colored eyes and normal whiskers. During the colder season it grew a ridge of fur down the mid back and tail. The origin of this mutation is still unknown. Possibly, Mexican Hairless was genetically close to Donskoy Sphynx as they both, being hairless, were normally whiskered and seasonally coated.
Hairless kittens had occasionally appeared in litters of domestic cats around the world. In 1938 a French professor E. Letard described the mutant allele “h” in hairless kittens produced by a pair of Siamese. Читать далее «Sphynx is one of the world’s oldest feline breeds»
Sphynx Cattery
Sphynx Cattery has beautiful hairless cats and kittens. Sphynx breeders and pet owners have a rare opportunity to enjoy the company of this loveable and devoted cat. These hairless cats are a special breed with unique personalities and it has been a delight to be a Sphynx breeder. My Sphynx cats and kittens are very hairless and come from diverse bloodlines.
My Sphynx cattery is located in Moscow, Russia. I have 6 very hairless cats, four Sphynx females and two Sphynx males. Watching my Sphynx kittens develop has been a pleasure. My Sphynx cats and Sphynx kittens are part of our family. My Sphynx are never caged or confined and when my Sphynx kittens are ready to go to their new home they are socialized and ready for their new environment. I love talking with potential owners of my Sphynx kittens. I post weekly photos of my Sphynx kittens so that they. and all can watch their development. Читать далее «Sphynx Cattery»
The history of our cattery
The history of our cattery began when we purchased a wonderful kitten, red and white bi-color. Leon, as we named our “first-born”, turned out to be not only charming in appearance, but also a very kind-hearted and friendly creature. He very easily made friends with our 3-month doberman puppy. Although we were absolutely certain that Leon is a very beautiful and intelligent cat, we wanted professional experts to confirm it. When Leon was 6 months old, he reached three Finals (Kittens class) at ASSOLUX International cat show. In 2000 he became one of the best kittens of this association. In the following year, another important event happened in our cattery: Leon met his fiancee – a queen of great beauty and wonderful colour – bright tortie and white — with an oriental name Sacura. Leon was absolutely delighted – her eyes were shining like two emeralds! That year Leon and Sacura were shown at a cat show where Leon was awarded Interchampion title and Sacura not only became Interchampion, but also reached three Finals in Kittens class.
In 2001 Lanion cattery was officially registered with ASSOLUX International.
After a while Sacura produced 5 marvellous kittens. After kittens birth she recovered her shape and gave an excellent performance at ASSOLUX Cup “HILLS 2002”. The results exceeded all our expectations. Читать далее «The history of our cattery»
Требованиями о проведении всеизраильских выставок кошек
Предлагаем Вам ознакомиться с требованиями о проведении всеизраильских выставок кошек, начиная с декабря: Читать далее «Требованиями о проведении всеизраильских выставок кошек»
Объединение сайтов Cat Web Ring
CWR — Cat Web Ring — веб кольцо сайтов о представителях семейства кошачьих. CWR создано для удобства навигации пользователей сети интернет между сайтами посвященными представителям семейства Felidae. CWR — это не коммерческий проект. Условием для участия в данной акции является поддержка web-сайтом или web-страницей тематики кошачьих, а также выполнение требований изложенных в Правилах. Если Вы имеете в Сети свой сайт или страничку, посвященную кошачьим в целом или какому либо конкретному виду, то CWR — для вас!
Что такое веб-кольцо?
Web-ring или веб-кольцо, — это объединение сайтов по определенной тематике. Цель кольца: благодаря простой, удобной и эффективной навигации облегчить поиск родственных сайтов-участников в сети, сделать их более доступными. На заглавной странице каждого сайта, входящего в веб-кольцо, находится HTML-код, который позволяет свободно перемещаться по самому веб-кольцу, т.е. по всем сайтам-участникам: Читать далее «Объединение сайтов Cat Web Ring»
Проблемы со здоровьем и иммунной системой
Основное развитие иммунной системы у котят происходит как раз в период между восьмью и 12 неделями. Иммунитет, полученный от матери, заканчивает свое действие, а иммунитет после первой вакцинации только начинает развиваться в этот период. Читать далее «Проблемы со здоровьем и иммунной системой»
Питомник канадских сфинксов Talialida
Питомник канадских сфинксов Talialida – это небольшой, монопородный, закрытый питомник, занимающийся разведением голых бесшерстных кошек породы канадский сфинкс, Мы находимся в Калуге, Россия. Читать далее «Питомник канадских сфинксов Talialida»